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SUNDAY: Sunday School 9:30-10:15
Fellowship Time is 10:15-10:30 am, followed by 10:30 am Morning Service.

WEDNESDAY: Discovery Club, from 6:30-8:30 pm
Small Group from 6:30-8:30 pm

THURSDAY: Girl's Club, from 3:30-5pm.
(Girl's Club runs on LACS schedule. If afterschool activities are canceled, there is NO Girl's Club.)

SATURDAY: Youth Group, from 7-9pm


Our Sunday Morning Service begins with Sunday School followed by a time of fellowship, including coffee and refreshments. Our Morning Service begins at 10:30 am with a time of praise and worship, followed by announcements, a time for testimonies, and a message shared from God's Word. Following the message, an opportunity is given for anyone who would like personal prayer.

During the morning message we offer a staffed nursery for all preschool children (you are also welcome to keep your children with you). We also have a private infant-care listening room for nursing mothers, crying babies, or diaper changing.

We do not take up an offering on Sunday mornings. Individuals who regularly attend and support New Day Community Church, place their offerings in a box at the rear of the church. As our guest you are not expected to give.

On the first Sunday of each month (excluding summer months) immediately following the Sunday Morning Service, we have a Fellowship Meal. Everyone is welcome.

(315) 376-8496

©2019 by New Day Community Church

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